The Marauder Robot Platform scales up the Glider platform by a factor of 2. In order to support the additional mass and scale the motors
have been upgraded to the Dynamixel Pro range but the two robots share an underlying design approach.
Marauder weighs approximately 75Kg and is capable of walking, skating and dancing. It stands almost 1.5m tall and is over 2m long.
An array of 8 LiPo batteries runs the 24V power bus, allowing the robot to run, walk, skate and dance for over 2 hours without needing a recharge.
The Marauder platform was designed and built for the 2015 Intel IDF CEO Keynote speech and performed flawlessly. The video of the Keynote can be
viewed below. Presented also is a video from the audience's viewpoint.
Marauder onstage at the 2015 IDF Keynote with Intel CEO Brian Krzanich
This revolutionary platform is now available to researchers and educators who
are interested in working with walking robots. The Python based SDK contains a
variety of different gaits and behaviours, with room for many more. In addition,
stereo cameras provide for stereoscopic machine vision, with full WIFI and
Bluetooth connectivity for off-robot processing. The robot runs locally on a
quad core Intel Core i7 running Ubuntu Linux, providing plenty of MIPS for self contained,
autonomous algorithms.
Please contact us if you are interested in learning more
about the Marauder Robot Platform.
Marauder as "Big Mama" at the 2015 IDF Keynote: